Ecommerce Diary

A diary full of E-commerce stuffs.

E-learning is the unifying term to describe the fields of online learning web-based training, and technology-delivered instruction.

1. Accessibility to all students

In Universities which provide electronic facilities to give their online students fast and qualified assistance. Students' interactions have become much easier than face-to-face communication.

2.Time flexibility

If student has question need to ask the tutor so he can send his query and write term paper at any time he can get access to the Internet.

3.Any place

Student does not have to meet with tutor. That means they can be anywhere.


1.Lack of face-to-face communication

The tutor would lack of undertanding student for example what is student's demands, interests and so on. The student can simply be lazy to learning because he having free time schedule for his e-learning.

2.Internet connection

If slow internet connection cause frustration.

3.Software and file

E-learning is managing computer files, software comfortability and learning new software. The file may be lost or misplaced to the learner without good computer organizational skills.


Managing learning software can involve a learning curve.


Roommart is a start-up company which provides Malaysia’s 1st online roommate finder and accommodation search engine. It is a portal which helps students from higher learning institutions as well as working adult from outstation to find rooms, roommates and houses. Besides that, agents would be able to find their preferred tenants too, resulting in a two way communication unlike classified ads and a modern way to find accommodation since most of Roommart’s target market, students, spend hours on the internet.

It was founded by David Ng, a Multimedia University student, after realizing the difficulties faced by him and fellow students when looking for a place to live. He is the new and young generation of technopreneur, who has the maturity and intellect to take advantage of a business opportunity.

's Services?


Either you are looking for a roommate, room or house. Roommart provides you a search engine that will match your preferences (e.g. location, rental rates,smoking or non-smoking) with your potential roommates, room or house.

Roommart provides you a place to list your property and also a database to search for tenants.

Payment methods?

Payments for Roommart services can be made by:

  • SMS
  • Credit Card
  • Mybank2you
  • Cheque or Bank Transfer
  • MOL e-points

provides homeseeker not only the convenience to look for houses, rooms, apartment that match their preference but also the suitable housemates. The services is inexpensive while some of them are free and almost cover whole Malaysia. Thus, it is a very useful tool for Malaysian students, just like me, who usually travel over states to further their study.

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E-government, also known as electronic government, provide government services to citizens and provide citizens with more convenient access to government information by using information technology and e-commerce. There are several models of e-government :

1) Government-to-Citizens(G2C)
This is an e-government category which includes all the interactions between a government and its citizen. Citizens can interact with the government form their homes. Beside, it also enables citizens to ask questions and receive answer of government agencies.

2) Government-to-Business(G2B)
Interactions between government and businesses belong to this category. This relationship works two ways: government-to-business and business-to-government. Government sells products or provide services to businesses and businesses also sell goods or services to government.

3) Government-to-Government(G2G)
This category consists of activities within government units and between governments. Their objective is to improve the effectiveness or the efficiency of the government.

4) Government-to-Employees(G2E)
Activities and services between government units and employees are included in this category. This enables efficient communication between government and employees.

Implementation of e-government in Malaysia started since the initiation of Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) by Malaysia government in 1996. There are some e-government project in Malaysia:

1) Generic Office Environment (GOE)
GOE aimed to introduce a fully integrated, distributed and scalable office environment that leverages use of multimedia use of technology.It enables efficient communication, allowing collaboration across all workers and ensure right information reach right people at right time.

2) Electronic Procurement Project
This project aims to re-engineer, automate and transform current procurement system. It covers central contract. tender and direct purchase. EP project also increase transparency, save times and money as it encourages suppliers to go electronic. Example for this project is eperolehan.

3) Human Resource Management Information System ( HRMIS )
This project provide single interface to perform human resource management functions effectively and efficiently by government employees.

4) Project Monitoring System ( PMS )
A mechanism created to monitor project implementation throughout various government agencies and statutory body. It also enables exchanging of ideas and demonstrate best practices in information management and communication services.

5) Electronic Service Directory ( eServices )
Citizens of Malaysia can have transactions with government and make payments such as electricity and telephone bills by this project.

6) Electronic Labor Exchange ( ELX )
The objective of this project is to mobilizations of human resources and optimize work force utilization. It enables matching of jobs seekers and jobs vacancies. For example,

7) E-Syariah
E-Syariah improves the quality services in Syariah courts and enhance the Islamic Affairs Department's effectiveness. It enables better monitoring and co-ordination of its agencies and improving the management of its 102 Syariah courts. For example, E-syariah portal.

Citizen's adoption strategies:

1) Enhance and strengthen existing e-government system
Improve the system and increase processing speed to serve citizens better. Make sure that information, data and application are reliable, accurate and updated.

2) Education and publicity
To encourage the adoption of e-government, education can help citizens have better understanding and knowledge of e-government. Publicity such as news or article in newspaper or website can increase citizens' awareness towards e-government.

3) Improve service quality
Service quality is important to encourage citizens to use e-government. Short processing time and ease of use of services provided can attract more citizens choose to use e-government. Besides, services provided must serve their needs.

Read more:

Malaysia Government Portal
Implementation of electronic government in Malaysia
Role of government: as an enabler, regulator, and provider of ICT based services

A new marketing communication tool for companies

Corporate blogs are business blogs for larger organizations. They help put a human face on the company allowing for direct communication and discussion. The corporate blog helps companies reach their organizational goals. With the proliferation of Web 2.0 tools, corporate blogging has gained a lot of prominence in the past few years. Enterprises have started acknowledging blogging as a positive marketing tool that, besides raising the company's visibility, also helps in highlighting organizations' freedom of expression.

There are some companies are hesitant to plunge into the world of blogging for fear of encountering legal and business risks inherent in blogging such as libel, slander, lawsuits and disclosure of confidential and proprietary information. However, some industry leaders like Microsoft, IBM, Sun Microsystems and General Motors, have dived headlong into corporate blogging. These companies recognize that a blog is an immensely effective yet low cost way to boost corporate communications and marketing objectives and at the same time connect with customers and prospects.

A corporate blog makes it easy for readers, be they customers or prospects, to find the latest and most accurate information about its new products and services. It can help achieve customer familiarity with the company products or services.

Through the corporate blog, a company can converse directly with customers and prospects. Two way communications creates trust and builds customer relationships. A corporate blog is the perfect choice for interacting with existing and potential clients.

Corporate blogging serves as a channel for a company and its customers to meet on common ground and to know each other more. A corporate blog conjures images of people who are passionate about their products or services and are eager to engage customers and prospects.

In corporate blogging, goals or missions are of prime importance. For a blog to yield value, it has to be created with specific goals in mind. Some of these goals may be to increase company credibility, enhance customer service and interaction, and give customers a peek of the behind the scenes of the corporate culture, showcase new products or services and more. The important thing is to be clear about the goals.

On the whole, notwithstanding the fact that corporate blogging provides a good marketing platform to companies. Companies that develop a good corporate blogging strategy are able to capture the goodwill of their community. Companies that connect with their audience and provide real value develop a loyal following. Companies that engage with their customers are able to harness the power of new ideas and feedback. Corporate blogs really are the new PR.

There are findings indicates that year 2008 is a breakthrough year for corporate blogging; with online content technologies rapidly overtaking traditional ones, corporate blogging is set to triple over in 2008; so by 2009, corporate blogging is expected to be as much of a standard tool in a marketer's kit as email is today.

=Know more about Corporate Blog=

Types of Corporate Blog

The internal blog, generally accessed through the corporation's Intranet, is a weblog that any employee can view. The informal nature of blogs may encourage employee participation, free discussion of issues, collective intelligence, direct communication between various layers of an organization and a sense of community. It is frequently used to Build and strengthen organizational culture, communicate company knowledge and provide teams with an effective collaboration tool.

External Blog is a publicly available weblog where company employees, teams, or spokespersons share their views. It is often used to announce new products and services (or the end of old products), to explain and clarify policies, or to react on public criticism on certain issues. It is used to strengthen the brand, to build and strengthen relationships and to market or sell products and services.

15 Most Popular Corporate Blogs (Technorati ranked) – September 2008
#15. Delta – Authority: 109 (Down from #12)
#14. Kodak – Authority: 120 (Down from #13)
#13. Lenovo – Authority: 123 (New)
#12. Marriott – Authority: 135 (New)
#11. Mint – Authority: 142 (New)
#10. Flickr – Authority: 242 (Down from #3)
#9. General Motors – Authority: 282 (Up from #10)
#8. Southwest Airlines – Authority: 284 (New)
#7. LinkedIn – Authority: 551 (Up from #8)
#6. Yahoo! – Authority: 601 (Up from #11)
#5. Dell – Authority: 569 (Up from #6)
#4. Facebook – Authority: 779 (Same)
#3. Yahoo! Search – Authority: 1145 (Up from #5)
#2. Adobe – Authority: 1951 (Same)
#1. Google – Authority: 10245 (Same)

Read More:

Corporate blog
Corporate Blogging: Five Rules for Success in the Blogosophere
Corporate Blogging: Dos And Donts
Corporate Blogging: Benefits of Interactive Marketing
Corporate Blog Strategy